Our Accountability


Christian Surfers is an international affiliation of surf focused missions. Each affiliated mission is aligned by an agreed vision, mission and set of core values, underpinned by our statement of belief.

Our International Council is made up of our affiliated missions and meets every two years to determine overall vision and strategy. The Council appoints the International Director and board members. Between meetings, the board holds the International Director accountable to deliver the strategy in line with the overall mission and vision. Reports on activity and finances are provided to the Council on an annual basis.

The board is responsible for the operations of Christian Surfers International Limited, a company registered in Australia, which is the legal holder of CS assets. Regional Coordinators are appointed by the International Director, with the regional affiliates to support the missions in their regions.

Affiliation is our mechanism of belonging to each other and is centred around a shared vision, mission, values and statement of belief, built through relationships of trust. The affiliation process sets out required accountability, which include establishing an appropriate governance, the evidence of a leadership team and a plan to have a surf missions focus. Affiliated missions may have their own independent legal identity.