CSDR National Camp Out

Christian Surfers in the Dominican Republic has been blessed by God in being able to run their 5th straight National Camp Out. They went back to where the first campout was held in Punta Cana, where National Director Rafael Ferreras lives and surfs. The team was blessed with over 100 participants camping, surfing, and eating together during a real big and fun north swell this time. Although it rained a lot the first night and caused a little chaos among unexperienced campers there was no doubt that God’s grace and love were abounding. There were a lot of surfers from all over the country that arrived. Some were believers and others were not. The gospel was shared twice from the microphone and multiple times in conversation as the weekend passed. Our International Director Roy Harley was able to share on Saturday evening. He attended the campout with his son Nathan and traveled the seven hours in a bus full of overly excited Dominican surfers from the Cabarete chapter.

This Camp Out saw a lot of local Dominican leaders step up and take the lead and responsibility for the Camp Out and for the spiritual well-being of the individuals from their local chapters. There were surfers present from all four CSDR chapters and from a couple beaches where CSDR is praying and hoping to begin chapters. We thank God for what he is doing among surfers in the Dominican Republic. HE has done much and has so much to still do!