Send it: Back to Basic

Have you ever been in a position /situation where you know so much that you no longer know how to make it simple? 

If you are like me…you probably can’t teach any standard school subject (like Math or English) to a kid. You just know how to do it…or *think* you do. If you try to explain something you confuse yourself and the kid ends up teaching you!

Or maybe in your sport/hobby you are overloading your brain with every step, technique, position, possible situation, and possible response to where you end up being worse off than when you knew nothing. 

Usually when that happens, coaches will tell you to go back to the basics…the foundation of knowledge that everything stems from.

God doesn’t make it complicated; we do. Sending it is simple. Inviting people, talking to people, asking people about an awesome God is simple…or at least it should be if we have faith; we all end up talking ourselves out of it. We all have come up with excuses and push it off.

You may be thinking, “Well, I really don’t think I’m in a ‘send it’ season.” 

“It’s a nice idea, but you don’t know me…that just isn’t within reach.”

“What if what I say doesn’t make sense?”

“What if I don’t have the answers to their questions?”

“What if I somehow drive them further from God?”

Take the pressure off saying the right thing at the right time to the right person. We have God who controls all of those things…which means that we do NOT have to!

Like I said, we overcomplicate a lot, all the time.

Take the pressure off spiritually sending it…our job isn’t to save anyone (that is God’s), we are told to spread the good news! If it seems like a big step, or you just don’t know how to approach it…go back to the basics.

Read the word.

I know what you are thinking. That sounds simple. Too easy?

You want to hear God? You want to be able to recognize his voice?

Read His word.

It will help you understand the way he speaks and how he sounds.

Have you ever heard that the more you spend time with a person, the more you start to act, talk, and sound like them?

Why would it be any different with the relationship with our Father?

Not only will the spirit become more active in you, but the joy that it will bring should make you want to tell every person you see, work with, and maybe even live with! 

Maybe you have lived like I have, and the only communication with God was through prayer; where all you are doing is talking to Him. 

I encourage you to start letting Him talk to you…read His word…seek His voice.


“God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.”

(Acts 17:27)

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