Christian Surfers United Kingdom

Christian Surfers UK is the longest running and most established Christian Surfers within Europe, and was formed around 1992 when one of the team (Simon Twitchin) visited Australia and New Zealand and saw Christian Surfers in action there and decided they could do the same thing. In those pioneering early days progress was slow but the focus on the ability to reach the surfing community was as strong as it is today.

Some significant events in its history included the fact that the first National Director, Phil Williams, was appointed in 1995 and the ministry became a charity in 1999.

In 2002 Phil Williams stepped out in faith and became full-time National Director, which was significant as the ministry began to develop throughout the UK. In 1995 the first outreach surf contest, the Jesus Surf Classic, was initiated and this has gone on to be one of the biggest and longest running surf contests in the UK, these days with around 150 of the UK's top competitors surfing in eight different categories.

Another significant development was David Renyard joining the team in 2008. He brought his numerous design skills which changed the way that they were seen by the outside world, with professionalism throughout.

Since then they have been joined by other staff volunteers Johnny Hillman, Daren Mountain and part-time administrator Ali Boddy, all of which have strengthened the team. They now serve at all the major surf contests in the UK as well as running their own Jesus Surf Series (which now includes the Jesus Longboard Classic) as well as holding an annual National Gathering.

The ministry has a great network of core groups and contacts, produces a fantastic magazine twice a year (Second Day) and are also fortunate to have a great number of church partnerships welcoming of the surf community.

They are excited for the future as they look to further develop these links and also the potential of surf camps, as well as continuing their main goal of serving the surfing community.


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