Our New International Director

Roy Harley was commissioned as our new Christian Surfers International Director last weekend. At ceremonies held at the CS South Africa National Conference and at Roy's home church, Edge Church in Cape Town, South Africa, Roy was released from his South African leadership role and endorsed in his new calling by his church family and South African and CSI board leaders. Roy now holds the baton of leadership of our global movement, passed to him from our founding leader, Brett Davis. This change is a very significant milestone for Brett. We are blessed to have him continue with our CS family in his new role of Founder/Adviser, where he will focus on developing our mission through training, mentoring, fundraising and representing CS to other organisations. Roy now has the strategic and day-to-day responsibility of leading CSI. He will work with our Regional Coordinators and the international support team, and report to the CS International board. Watch a video of the transition announcement above.