Succession in the Pacific


In Feburary, at the CS Tahiti National Conference, Kevin Heminway handed over the national leadership to Poi and Lita Smith.

After over twenty years of faithful service to Christian Surfers in Tahiti Kevin felt it was time to step to the side and make way for some new leadership, this does not mean that he won't be involved however, as he is taking on the role of Founder/Adviser to Poi.

Poi and Lita, along with their family, felt called to the ministry and are very excited to have taken over the role. They have hit the ground running setting up a CS Tahiti Surf House, which will be a great place for ministry opportunities for surfers in Tahiti - with many thanks to the amazing foundations and respect that CS has in Tahiti after all of Kevin's work. (You can help fund the final stage of the Surf House by donating online now!)

Poi has many dreams of how CS can be effective in the French Polynesian nation, and with the Surf House so close to the 'End of the Road' at Teahupoo the opportunities are endless.

If you are planning a trip to Tahiti and would like to do some ministry while there then get in touch by emailing


Pacific Region

In May, during the ILT leadership meetings in Australia, Nev Wells took over from Gordy Webb as the Regional Coordinator for the Pacific.

After four years of faithful service Gordy felt it was time to hand over the role while he was still so passionate for the mission, He felt that a fresh set of eyes and new ideas was the way to move forward.

Nev felt called to the role and that the timing was right after God opened doors to create time to make this happen. Nev and Gordy will continue to work together for as long as God's calling is over them, as they feel that they can be so much more effective working as a team.

Nev hopes to continue the great work that Gordy has done and sees so much potential for others to come alongside the work that is already happening.

We would love to see a lot of the older CS crew connect again, and feel that there are a lot of opportunities for them to come and get a taste of missions in the Pacific region and use their gifts and talents for reaching surfers for Jesus in many different ways.

CS is growing in the Pacific region and we pray God will continue to open doors. If you feel you would like to be a part of what God is doing then contact either Nev or Gordy on

Check out the new Facebook Page: CS Pacific Region

Thanks, Bula Vinaka, Mauruuru, Tank yiu tumas, Tanggio