Spanish Speaking Internship

by Dustin Miller

Rodo is a bodyboarder from Pedasí, Panamá who has come back to a faith in Christ through Christian Surfers Panama and has been raised up as one of our leaders in the ministry there. Last year Rodo attended our Regional Christian Surfers Internship in Costa Rica. He learned about the basics of Christian Surfers, leadership techniques, management techniques and practiced what he learned by helping in local churches, local CS chapters, and by helping to organize CS Costa Rica’s national camp out.

One year later, Rodo has partnered with his church in planting a Christian Surfers chapter in his home town of Pedasí, where an average of twenty bodyboarders are attending bi-weekly meetings and hearing about the love of Christ. Since Rodo grew up there, he knows all of their families and is highly respected and influential among the surfers in his town. Rodo also knows the Mayor of the town, who lends him the key to the town basketball court where they hold their meetings free-of-charge. Emily and I had the chance of visiting one of their chapter meetings last month and were astonished at all of the surfers that showed up for the meeting and listened intently to Rodo as he shared the good news of Jesus.

This year, Rodo returned to Costa Rica to help with our annual Internship. He is right there alongside the new students from Costa Rica and El Salvador, encouraging them as they learn and develop how to do CS in their local communities. We praise God for what He has done in the life of Rodo. Please pray that God will continue to raise up leaders through our annual Internship, like Rodo, so we can see more and more surfers come to know the unfailing love of Jesus Christ.