Day Three: Evening

The third evening kicked off after worship with an Aussie takeover. With zinc and slang in spades, they subjected three trivia "winners" to the "prize" of trying a mouthful of Vegemite. The reactions in the photo above show exactly how they felt about winning!

An incredibly impressive conference-wide bush dance was next up for a whole ton of fun before we heard what God is doing throughout the Pacific and Australasia.

The night ended on a bittersweet note as we heard from CS Australia's North NSW Regional Coordinator, Dave Malvern, who shared with us the powerful testimony of Zac Young, a young CS leader and Dave's protege, who tragically passed away after a shark attack towards the end of last year. The story doesn't end on a sad note though, as many surfers from Dave's region heard the gospel and decided to follow Jesus as a result of Zac's life.