Living Water by Colbi King
I was watching some of the guys surf when along came a little kid who couldn’t have been older than 4. He dragged along his dad and a Spiderman boogie board... He even had a matching bathing suit. I watched as over and over again, his dad pushed him into waves. The boy would ride it all the way in, gather himself and swim back out to his dad. On occasions, a little set would come through and he would have a hard time making it back out.
When this happened, you’d see the little boy, standing on shore with boogie board in hand trying to figure out what to do and how he could make it back to his dad. He had a couple different techniques; he’d get a running start and try to jump over the waves... he would throw the boogie board in front of him while swimming under the waves... and when that didn’t work, he’d turn around and ride the white water in on his belly, sitting on the shore, right back where he started.
His dad was waiting for him the whole time cheering him on. But he didn’t help unless the little boy called on him. After all the boy’s own efforts failed, you would hear him yell, “Dad! Help!” Immediately, the dad would walk to the shore, grab his son, carry him over the waves and they’d go back to playing.
You can see the resemblance of this and our Heavenly Father. Both are gentlemen, not overstepping boundaries but letting us figure things out until we realize... no one helps quite like our dad. All we have to do is call on Him.
Psalm 50:15 “Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will honor me.”
Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”