A New Era for Christian Surfers International


We are embarking on a crowdfunding venture to raise the finances necessary to see through the transition of leadership for a new era of mission as Christian Surfers International. You can watch the video above and read through the text below to learn about this process, then view and contribute to the crowdfunder at http://igg.me/at/csinternational.

A New Era

Christian Surfers is in a unique season. We are transitioning from our founding International Director Brett Davis to his replacement Roy Harley. There is a new generation of mission coming! 

The surfing subculture is booming and finding its place in numerous new nations around the globe. Christian Surfers is already a global player in the surf world and is perfectly shaped and positioned to step into this future. With a fantastic global team of 6 Regional Coordinators, 10 established national movements and a growing active work in over 35 affiliated nations, we are excited to be a relevant voice for the gospel within our global surfing community.

We Are Dreaming

We are dreaming about this new future. 

  • Dreaming about creating opportunities for people to serve through internship programs on multiple continents, at key surfing crossroads.
  • Dreaming about the growth of service teams working alongside our chaplains at key international surfing competitions.
  • Dreaming of expanding our global Foundations Training and legacy development.
  • Dreaming of bolstering our international office and staff to serve the growing needs of each new nation, as well as our developed regions.
  • Dreaming of creating, developing and procuring more surf ministry specific resources like the ‘Surfers Bible’ or the ‘On the Rocks’ video series.
  • We are dreaming of more surfing disciples of Jesus, in more nations.

Join us in Empowering our New Era and Director

CS is a faith based organisation with minimal staff, facilities and funding streams. We invite you to participate financially in a one off donation to raise $30,000 for the following vital needs. 

  1. CS is a global family and it’s important that each region and the new International Director be given a chance to engage face-to-face in the field to broaden understanding and deepen trust. We plan to put the Harley family ‘on the road’ around the world for some months. 
  2. We are relocating aspects of the international office from Australia to South Africa and there are related set-up costs.
  3. We will be recruiting new staff to the new office and this involves costs to secure the best possible people and assist them with relocation in some cases.
  4. We are carrying out a strategic review with a professional consultancy ministry that will help us to refine our vision and lay foundations for our future.

“I wholeheartedly support this new era of Christian Surfers’ global development and Roy Harley especially as the new International Director. We want to ensure a solid financial platform for this transition of trust and our new future. Come join myself and others to impact the surfing world for Jesus.” Brett Davis, Founder

What Can You Do?

Pray for the ministry, pray for your surfing community and give generously in this succession campaign.

We have two months to raise this $30,000 and cannot do it without your help.

Share this campaign with your friends, family, church and community and be part of the future of Christian Surfers International reaching the world surfing community!

View and contribute at http://igg.me/at/csinternational